Massey Plumbing & Heating Compay FAQs
What is the best way to contact us?
For normally scheduled services and all other inquiries, please call the main phone number - 781-595-2360. We check messages often and it is the best way to assure that the information gets properly recorded and followed up on.
The message will direct you to an emergency phone number which should only be used if you consider your situation in need of immediate response. Of course, this approach will incur an upcharge in normal billing rates. See below.
We do not schedule services on our mobile phones.
What is considered an emergency?
Any issue that you feel you can not live without immediate response to. We do not thrive on emergency calls and suggest that all customers familiarize themselves with the means of shutting down any of their mechanical systems such as water main, hot water heater, boiler, gas main, etc. If a true emergency happens at 2am, the affected system can be shut down and repair can start during relatively normal working hours when parts are more readily available.
What is our service pricing structure?
Normally scheduled services are priced competitively with other established mechanical shops in the area. Any service stop will be billed at a minimum 1 hour commitment with subsequent time spent billed on a normal hourly rate.
Emergency service calls are billed at 1.5 times normal rates when occurring during a normal work period. When occurring during non normal work periods (after hours, weekends, holidays, etc.) pricing will be 2 times normal.
Materials are typically priced using a complex method which incorporates nationally published pricing guides as well as a cost average from many of our wholesale suppliers. Once the "average cost" is determined, we impose a 10% profit and 10% overhead charge.
Fixture pricing is treated similarly. We encourage you to shop at established wholesale / retail outlets which specialize in the materials you desire. Most have knowledgeable staff and will gladly offer retail pricing direct to you. For control purposes, we prefer to provide all fixtures. Cost to you will generally run 5% above retail cost. For this you get our delivery, packaging disposal, disposal of existing fixtures / appliances, and most importantly warranty. It is frustrating to have to follow up with an adjustment on a fixture we did not sell.
What do I get for the first hour of service?
When a service request is made, we advise you to be as explicit as possible to determine what you need and to gauge how much of a commitment we need to plan on. Often times a repair will be simple and our commitment may be less than a full hour. There is not much we can do about this and we remain willing to address other concerns that you may have to fulfill the hour. The flip side to this is that these "add on" services may extend beyond the first hour.
Do we provide free estimates?
This is a tricky one. We certainly appreciate any opportunity and willingly provide estimates for free. This depends on the scale of work being estimated. At current service rates well over $100, we can not offer written estimates for jobs which will not exceed $500. For these, we suggest scheduling a typical service call. For larger scale jobs, we will do our best to offer a thorough estimate in writing. Please understand that your specification and details of any prospective job is critical to an accurate, competitive proposal. We do not provide estimates on projects which are not owned or managed by the requesting party. This includes prospective homebuyers and tenants. For these customers we will gladly present an estimate for a fee which may or may not be applied to the work when done in the future. This approach is typical for mechanical inspections of homes not yet closed upon purchase.
For normally scheduled services and all other inquiries, please call the main phone number - 781-595-2360. We check messages often and it is the best way to assure that the information gets properly recorded and followed up on.
The message will direct you to an emergency phone number which should only be used if you consider your situation in need of immediate response. Of course, this approach will incur an upcharge in normal billing rates. See below.
We do not schedule services on our mobile phones.
What is considered an emergency?
Any issue that you feel you can not live without immediate response to. We do not thrive on emergency calls and suggest that all customers familiarize themselves with the means of shutting down any of their mechanical systems such as water main, hot water heater, boiler, gas main, etc. If a true emergency happens at 2am, the affected system can be shut down and repair can start during relatively normal working hours when parts are more readily available.
What is our service pricing structure?
Normally scheduled services are priced competitively with other established mechanical shops in the area. Any service stop will be billed at a minimum 1 hour commitment with subsequent time spent billed on a normal hourly rate.
Emergency service calls are billed at 1.5 times normal rates when occurring during a normal work period. When occurring during non normal work periods (after hours, weekends, holidays, etc.) pricing will be 2 times normal.
Materials are typically priced using a complex method which incorporates nationally published pricing guides as well as a cost average from many of our wholesale suppliers. Once the "average cost" is determined, we impose a 10% profit and 10% overhead charge.
Fixture pricing is treated similarly. We encourage you to shop at established wholesale / retail outlets which specialize in the materials you desire. Most have knowledgeable staff and will gladly offer retail pricing direct to you. For control purposes, we prefer to provide all fixtures. Cost to you will generally run 5% above retail cost. For this you get our delivery, packaging disposal, disposal of existing fixtures / appliances, and most importantly warranty. It is frustrating to have to follow up with an adjustment on a fixture we did not sell.
What do I get for the first hour of service?
When a service request is made, we advise you to be as explicit as possible to determine what you need and to gauge how much of a commitment we need to plan on. Often times a repair will be simple and our commitment may be less than a full hour. There is not much we can do about this and we remain willing to address other concerns that you may have to fulfill the hour. The flip side to this is that these "add on" services may extend beyond the first hour.
Do we provide free estimates?
This is a tricky one. We certainly appreciate any opportunity and willingly provide estimates for free. This depends on the scale of work being estimated. At current service rates well over $100, we can not offer written estimates for jobs which will not exceed $500. For these, we suggest scheduling a typical service call. For larger scale jobs, we will do our best to offer a thorough estimate in writing. Please understand that your specification and details of any prospective job is critical to an accurate, competitive proposal. We do not provide estimates on projects which are not owned or managed by the requesting party. This includes prospective homebuyers and tenants. For these customers we will gladly present an estimate for a fee which may or may not be applied to the work when done in the future. This approach is typical for mechanical inspections of homes not yet closed upon purchase.